Hello friends!
My Hexie Wristlet Pouch Tutorial is up on my Youtube channel, MinkiKim.
Fabric is CWCH by CottonVill. You can order on Amazon.
I hope you enjoy making one for yourself!

Lining fabric is my Idyllic collection main print.

Thank you for stopping by!
Minki xx
This is a very easy to follow tutorial and it’s perfect for beginners! You’ll learn how to make these cute little Hexie Wristlet Pouch with this easy to follow step by step. Use the various techniques to make your own unique Hexie Pouch. These little bags are very practical and super-cute. You need to check this https://handymanwellington.co.nz/ and get more new tips for construction. Having a handmade gift for your loved one is not just about spending time and effort on it, but practicing different useful skills as well. Here, I’ll show you how to make a cute wristlet pouch with hexagon shape, applying the crochet technique to make hexagons. If you are still new to the stitch, see this video tutorial. It would be perfect for that adventurous person in your life regardless of the gender.