2017. 10. 2. Monday


2017. 10. 3. Tuesday


2017. 10. 4. Wednesday


2017. 10. 5. Thursday


2017. 10. 6. Friday


2017. 10. 7. Saturday


2017. 10. 8. Sunday






  1. Beautiful shots, Minki! I love how you capture light and shadow to add depth and effect! Such simple but amazing shots!!
    I am jealous you have fresh figs, yummy!

    1. Author

      For my diary picture, I try to pick “looking good” pictures but to be honest, often ouf of focus, iphone shots tells more story. That’s my dilemma.

  2. …wait, you have your own fabric line?? Did I miss this or is this new?

  3. Friday and Saturday’s photos are so amazing!

    1. Author

      Hi Alisona!
      Thank you for stopping by and lovely comment. I am so happy that someone enjoys my diary. 🙂

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